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Yesplan Dataview

Fetches data from Yesplan dataviews and shows them on screen. Separate license required.

Yesplan Dataview data source configuration




API key

The API key for the Yesplan instance.


Dataview id

The id of the Dataview. It can be retrieved from the Yesplan application interface.


Organization link

The URL that was awarded to your organization.


Fetch test data

Fetches data to Template Creator from the configured link. The link text will light up green on success.
Fetching data makes it possible to select [JSONPaths]( from the data when creating bindings.

Dataview parameters

Optional. Parameters to filter the Dataview result.
This field should be a JSON object with a name/value pair for each parameter, where the name is the name of the parameter as shown in the Yesplan application interface (case-sensitive).


Data Update Time

Time in seconds between updates